
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Diet Phase 2 (and beyond)

For those of you diligent followers that have NOT strayed from the original phase one and have made it 21 consecutive days you are now successfully burning fat and can move onto Phase 2. Excellent work! For those of you that strayed, I recommend you stay on Phase 1 until you complete 21 days to get the best results.

Phase 2 Guidelines:

-Keep following the guidelines from Phase 1 but now you can add one of the following foods once or twice a day. Pick only ONE of these foods per meal. You must still eat this food with protein and eat five meals a day and continue to drink plenty of water.

Phase 2 foods/ pick one of the following one to two times a day:

Cottage Cheese
Yogurt with less than 20 grams of sugar (do not get one with artificial sweeteners)
Milk (if you are not sensitive to it)
Handful of nuts
Citrus Fruits
Ezekial Bread (one slice)
Sweet Potato
Baked Potato

Remember, one one to two times per day and with a good Protein source.

It would be great to hear from those that have made it the full 21 days without cheating. I know of a few!


Unknown said...


Thais said...

Feel much leaner. Don't feel cloudy anymore. These small, frequent meals have reduced my need to eat much at once. I'm full it seems in just a few bits. I was often going all day with out food and than eating a large meal in the evening. I was waking up with a "sugar hangover" everyday. Have you ever seen Jerry Sienfelds pantry? We keep at least 4 different cereals at all times on the shelf and dinner for me was a mix and match feast. The fact that I had only low sugar cereals didn't matter- it adds up.
Sugar has been my battle. My whole life. I found at first I was consumed by thoughts of my next sweet! Crazy, constant! But, I didn't have anything. Life felt grey, literally, talk about losing some fun. At one point decided I was going to crack after near constant mental battles for 2 weeks. I gave myself a pass- you can have it. Then I did something I've never done. I didn't go. Once given the green light, I let the urge go. That was huge for me. Now, that said I don't want to come off as someone who is totally in control. Far from it! Friday I had a STRESSFUL day. I broke. I had a piece of cake, in bed. I have no idea if that can count as a splurge meal or if I made the 21 days I never calculated it ( I started with Jacqui). But I feel great. Not one nagging thought of guilt OR when I can have more sugar. I got right back to my diet the next day, the mental struggle and the cravings when completely silent. I am amazed by this. I feel totally calm.
As far as staying on the diet. Pretty sure I did that. I had a broader range of veggies since I had no meat. One thing is for sure I smashed my former diet to bits! Still haven't ventured into phase two yet, but it looks more fun.