Just a quick post to see how everyone is handling this weather situation (only made a situation in Dallas right ;). I'm sure many of you have noticed that with a veer from your normal routine and habits that it has been easy to stray from your diet as well. We humans are amazing creatures. Creatures of habit. This is a simple testament to how easily we can revert to an old habit or pattern that is ingrained. It also reminds us how eating poorly can mistakenly make us feel good during the indulgence but can leave us with negative side effects: craving the crap again (dopamine and insulin response lead to this...), beating ourselves up and continuing in the pattern, and rationalizing why it is simply okay to eat crap (oh, it's cold outside... I'm stuck in here... why not, I'm bored and I deserve it). Crazy things we can convince ourselves of when we "really want something."
I'm letting these few days be a learning experience and a gentle reminder that straying from the path of eating healthfully is not a habit I want to continue. And dammit I AM using the bad weather as an excuse for eating brownies and Oreos and enjoying every last morsel. Do I feel crappier? Yes. Am I mad at myself? A little bit. Will I get back on track? Yes. Today, actually has been quite good. Looking forward to planning the week ahead and staying on track.
Oh, wait! SUPERBOWL Party! Hmm. An excuse to eat crap or a gimmie moment? You decide. Back on track ASAP!
Would love to hear how your last couple of days have been. I've enjoyed seeing quite a few of you braving the weather and making it into the club too!